Relaxing RealiTea- Richmond Magazine
For Roma Maraj Owen, tea evokes fond memories of growing up in the Caribbean. While coffee was served on special occasions, she and her family drank tea in the morning with breakfast and occasionally in the evening. With her 5-month-old shop, RealiTea, the Trinidad native hopes to bring some of…
Terrible Things Not So Bad
There are certain bands that always seem to get their music right on the dot. Music fanatics rave over these sorts of bands. Read the full article here.
Cookies for Cancer – Richmond Magazine
Richmond-area residents will be able to support research to help pediatric cancer patients by purchasing cookies through a multi-location bake sale on Saturday. It’s the first such effort to be held locally by Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a New Jersey-based organization founded by former Richmonder Gretchen Holt Witt. Witt’s son,…
Facbook Ads Go to Pot
The New York Times has long been known as the “paper of record.” When a story graces the pages of the Times, it’s news. It is also no stretch to say that within the past few years, Facebook has become the online medium of record for college students. Likewise, the term…
MCV Pedals Cross-Country for Scholarship
As thousands of freshman unpacked boxes on Sunday afternoon, five cyclists crossed through Yorktown, marking the end of a charity cross country ride that touched both coasts and logged over 4,000 miles. Read the full article at commonwealthtimes.com.