Tyler Clementi: Dec. 19, 1991 - Sept. 22, 2010

Tyler Clementi, 18, was a freshman at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. In the days before starting college, Tyler told his parents that he was gay.

Tyler's room mate, Dharun Ravi tried to find out information about Tyler before they had met. Dharun found Tyler on Justusboys and tweeted that his roommate was gay. Tyler and Dharun rarely spoke or interacted after they moved into their university dorm.

On the evening of Sept. 19, 2010, Tyler asked Dharun if he could have the room for that evening. Dhaurn met Tyler's male guest. Dharun admitted that he had been concerned about theft and left the computer so he could view from the webcam due to his concerns. However, some witnesses in court later testified that Dharun wanted to confirm that Tyler was gay. Dharun and Molly Wei, his friend, watched a videostream through iChat while Tyler and his male guest. At a later time in the evening, Molly streamed the video again, while four other people were in the room and Dharun was absent.

On the evening on Sept. 20, 2010, Tyler saw a message on Dharun's Twitter that read "Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into Molly's room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay."

At 4 a.m. on Sept. 21, 2010, Tyler had sent a request to be moved to a single dorm room. That same evening, Dharun sent out a text message stating he would be hosting a viewing party. He then sent out a tweet challenging anyone to iChat him between the hours of 6 p.m. and 12 a.m. if they wanted to see Tyler and his male guest be physically together. Dharum had left the computer on and pointed the webcam towards Tyler's bed. When Tyler had returned to the room, he disabled the webcam by putting the computer into sleep mode. Tyler had met with the resident assistant and two other officials. He told them that Dharun had used the webcam to videostream his sexual encounter with another man. During the meeting, Tyler again requested a room change as well as punishment for Dharum. In a formal email to the resident assistant after the meeting, Tyler described the two viewing incidents and included Dharun's Twitter postings as proof.

On the evening on Sept. 22, 2010, Tyler left the dorm room to get food and then headed to the George Washington Bridge. Around 8:42 p.m., he made it to the bridge and posted from his phone to Facebook "jumping off the gw bridge sorry." Tyler left a suicide note with his computer. Police recovered his body on Sept. 29, 2010, in the Hudson River and confirmed on Sept. 30, 2010, that the body was that of Tyler.

Tyler's parents, Jane and Joseph Clementi, created the Tyler Clementi Foundation, which focuses on promoting acceptance of LGBT teens and to provide education regarding cyber bullying.