Erin Gallagher: 1999 - Oct. 27, 2012

Thirteen-year-old Irish teen, Erin Gallagher, committed suicide after being cyber bullied on Ask.FM. Users of the Latvia-based social networking website would make fun of Erin and would tell her that she was fat and ugly.

Erin was found dead by her relatives. According to an Irish newspaper, Erin had "allegedly" warmed her online tormentors that she was intending to commit suicide just 24 hours before she killed herself.

On Ask.FM she wrote "U prob think it was funny when [I] f**in put a rope around my neck cause of yous [sic]." It was reported that her comment was directed at an anonymous person who was cyber bullying her.

A Facebook page was set up in Erin's memory were almost 5,000 people joined the page where they offered their support and demanded the banning of Ask.FM.

Erin' sister, Shannon, wrote on the Facebook page "I love you darling. It's so hard to say you're gone. Everyone's heartbroken. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. You were a stunning girl. No one deserved what you went through. I'm sorry that I couldn't prevent it. Love you with all my heart."

Forty-five days later, Shannon Gallagher committed suicide.